Project Case Studies


Responsive educational travel app designed to support student-learning during vacations and travel.

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BeanBroker Finance

A native app for iOS and Android. Educating users on how the mere cost of a cup-of-coffee, when invested, can mature and help reach financial goals.

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Nalle Baby Couture

A responsive e-commerce website for the purveyor of luxury baby items. Couture clothing and handmade goods designed by artisans for discerning buyers.

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Investor Relations

Responsive web & mobile site redesign to align with global brand identity.

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Otto Motors' AMRs

Interactive product showcasing Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) by Rockwell Automation's recent acquisition.

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Hologram Interface

Interactive platform to showcase the range of water mitigation solutions offered by Rockwell Automation.

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Engineering Calculator

Simplified calculator interface for an engineering team to use as a sales tool.

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Educational Sales Tool

Landing page with summary of service offerings for users to easily access content with a single click.

Details to come